Donate to Fund for Peace

Conflict is natural, but violence can be avoided.

For over 60 years, The Fund for Peace (FFP) has been a world leader in developing practical tools and approaches for reducing conflict. With a clear focus on the nexus of human security and economic development, FFP contributes to more peaceful and prosperous societies by engineering smarter methodologies and smarter partnerships. FFP empowers policy-makers, practitioners, and populations with context-specific, data-driven applications to diagnose risks and vulnerabilities and to develop solutions through collective dialogue.

Why Fund for Peace
Your contribution to Fund for Peace goes a long way. As a small organization, we operate with minimal overhead and administration. 97% of our staff's time is spent on designing and implementing programs that help to prevent conflict. By supporting Fund for Peace, you will be helping to support better informed and resourced responses to conflict. You will be helping to build the capacity of local communities in addressing their own challenges. And you will be helping to improve the safety and security of communities - and especially some of society's most vulnerable people - that may face conflict and violence

We all win
Fund for Peace is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in the United States. That means that if you reside in the United States, your contribution may be tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. When you donate more than US$50, we will send you a thank you letter that you may submit to the Internal Revenue Service in order to take advantage of the deduction.

Make a Contribution to Violence Prevention
You can make a contribution today, or you can schedule a regular contribution that will sustain us even longer. You can choose to donate using Network for Good or PayPal - whichever platform suits your needs better. (Or, you can mail us a check.) If you wish to discuss stock or legacy donations, please contact us for more information.

Donate via PayPal

Donate via Check

Fund for Peace
609 G Street, SW
Washington, D.C. 20024